Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Repeat Preview

My mom and I are working on a new project. We are creating and recreating boutique clothing for toddlers. We've only just begun and it is fun. Not to mention that M is the beneficiary of all the demo model clothes (the ones we work with first to get them just right). Then she gets to be our little model/walking advertisement! There is one more outfit that is complete (minus the monogram) so I will post it later. But the scoop is that we will use this blog to get started. Please feel free to email TeederToddlers@gmail.com to request anything. If you'd like to see something in a bigger size let us know that too. Your opinions matter! That's what keeps us going!

Here's the scoop. TeederToddlers is our name. We make clothing for toddler girls sizes 2-5. Our goal is to make one style of clothing per week/one pattern if you will. We will make only one item in each size (unless there is a special request for twins), and that is it. The next week will be a whole new item. The purpose here is to keep things very original. The quality will be high, and the demand great because THERE ARE SO FEW THAT ARE ALIKE! If there happens to be a particular pattern and/or fabric that is extremely popular, then you can expect to see it reappear in the following month's picks. But the goal will be to keep things unique and individual AND high quality, made in America! Can't wait to publish the post that says that we are up and running.

THIS IS THE PREVIEW! Here are the items (minus the one in need of monogramming) that we have experimented with so far.

All outfit sets will run $50.00, a boutique bargain! If you want something more specifically customized then it will run an additional charge. A monogram...$5.00, A matching bow...$5.00, A matching pair of ribbon embellished socks...$5.00. You get the idea.

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